Having questions?
We have answered some of the most common questions here.
How do I know if Guthealth.care programs are for me?
How do Guthealth.care programs work?
With whom exactly will I be working during the program?
How do I get started with a program at Guthealth.care?
What can I expect from the FREE discovery call?
Is there anything I should prepare for the discovery call?
How do I book for an actual initial consultation?
What can I expect from my initial consultation?
Is there anything I should prepare for my initial consultation?
Do I need any tests before my initial consultation?
How much does the initial consultation cost?
Are Guthealth.care programs covered by insurance?
What happens after my initial consultation?
How soon will I see results?
Are Guthealth.care programs a long-term commitment?
What if I am busy and lack time to follow the program week after week (holidays, social events or business trip coming up)?
Can I access Guthealth.care's programs and resources from anywhere?
What technology do I need to access Guthealth.care programs?
What if I book and change my mind or can’t make the appointment?
English is not my first language, do you offer programs in other languages?
Disclaimer: The information provided by Guthealth.care is not intended to be used by the client for any diagnostic purpose and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always seek the advice of your physician or other healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding diagnosis, cure, treatment, mitigation, or prevention of any disease or other medical condition or impairment or the status of your health.