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Gut healthĀ problems? You're not alone.

Millions of people suffer from gut health issues, withĀ symptoms such as frequent bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhoea, abdominal pain, fatigue, mood swing and anxiety.


You don't have to keep suffering alone, we can help.

Discover how we can help you feel better

We understand your struggles.Ā We've been there.

Let us guess, you'veĀ tried several over the counter medications, expensive supplements and probiotics to cope with your pain and stillĀ experiencing your symptoms. YouĀ feel lost, frustrated, alone and have accepted this as your new normal.

There is good news, you donā€™t have to keep struggling. We are here to help you take back control of your well being with ourĀ drug freeĀ andĀ non-invasive 3 pillars gut careĀ programs.

Discover our programs

A care program forĀ every gut

Whether you're struggling withĀ Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS),Ā Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)Ā or generalĀ Digestive Issues (DI), we've got you covered with evidence based and time-tested holistic practices, ensuring comprehensive care for your gut and beyond.

IBS careā„¢

For those diagnosed with IBS, suffering with frequent digestive discomfort, constipation or diarrhoea, stress and anxiety.

We get it, IBS symptoms can make you feel miserable.

IBS careā„¢ is here to help you say goodbye toĀ these symptoms and hello to balance with personalised guidance and support from our experts.

Learn more

SIBO careā„¢

For those suffering fromĀ recurringĀ bloating and abdominal pain.

SIBO is when too many bacteria grow in the wrong place ā€“ your small intestine. These bacterias digest your food, leading to gas and discomfort.Ā 

SIBO careā„¢ brings you the right dietary path to help mitigate and reduce your symptoms.

Learn more

DigestiveĀ careā„¢

Not diagnosed with a particular digestive disorder but still struggling with symptoms such as irregular bowel movement, acid reflux, bloating, fatigue, brain fog, mood swings, stress and anxiety.

WeĀ know howĀ frustrating this can be.

DIGESTIVE careā„¢ helps you understand the root cause of your symptoms andĀ  get your digestion back on track.

Learn more

AsĀ seen in...

What to expectĀ from our gut care programs?

WeĀ are not here to offer you yet another supplement or ask you to follow yet another diet.Ā We are dedicated to transforming lives through the power of personalised, guided, and holistic gut care programs that empower you to take charge of your wellbeing.

Holistic Approach

We believe in treating the whole person - mind and body.


No one-size-fits-all solutions. We craft programs as unique as you are.


Access your personalised programĀ 24/7 using ourĀ web portal or mobile app.

What's included in our gut care programs?

In all Guthealth.care programs, you benefit from our holistic 3 pillarsĀ approach harnessing the power of nutrition, psychology and gut-directed fitness to ensure long lasting relief.

āœ“Ā 1 on 1Ā consultations

Receive expert guidanceĀ - speak to real human beings.
Get access toĀ an assignedĀ 
dietitian, clinical psychologist and gut-directed fitness expert.

  • 1 x Initial consultation (45 mins)

  • Bi-weekly follow up calls (30 mins)

  • 1 x release call at the end of the program (20 mins)

  • Bonus: unlimited email support for your questions

āœ“Ā GutĀ Nutrition

Listen toĀ yourĀ gut feeling again,Ā wave goodbye to discomfort, anxiety and confusion.Ā Regain trust in your body.

  • Dietary assessment & Nutrition score: in-depth analysis of your dietary habits

  • Personalised dietary insights:Ā  doā€™s and don'ts to help you regain control of gut health

  • Adjunct Therapies: supporting you when necessary with additional therapies such as ā€˜Fat-reductionā€™, ā€˜Anti-inflammation dietā€™,Ā  ā€˜Fiber modificationā€™, etcā€¦

āœ“Ā GutĀ Mindfulness

Have your gut and brain communicate in harmony again.
Get your gut-brain axis connection rebalanced.

Unlimited access to our online library (web & mobile) of gut-directed meditations such as:

  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation

  • Cognitive BehaviouralĀ Therapy (CBT)

  • Hypnotherapy

  • Diaphragmatic breathing

āœ“Ā GutĀ Fitness


Improve your gut motility with our 'at home friendly' gut directed fitness exercises.Ā Get rid of the discomfort and bloating.

Unlimited access to our online library (web & mobile) of gut-directedĀ fitness exercises such as:

  • Vagus Nerve Stimulation to activate REST & DIGEST

  • Pelvic floor Yoga

  • Yoga for abdominal pain

  • And many more
Book FREE discovery call

Whom are our gut care programs for?

āœ“Ā For you if...

  • Your digestive symptoms often disrupt your day to day life andĀ makes you cancel social activities with friends and family, call in sick to work way too often, fear to eat out or try out new products.

  • You believed going gluten-free, dairy-free or trying any other restrictive dietĀ would be the solution, but you've had no success or no long lasting results.

  • You are spending lot of money on over the counter medication, supplements and probiotics to cope with your digestive symptoms such as bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhoea, abdominal pain, fatigue, mood swing, anxiety and yet you are experiencing no relief and still feel lost.

  • You are ready to put yourself first, commit to your health and well beingĀ and end the vicious cycle byĀ working with experienced and trusted professionals.

āœ–Ā Not for you if...

  • You need medical emergency, our programs are not a substitute for immediate medical attention. If you are experiencing symptoms such as severe bleeding, extreme pain, or sudden weight loss, please seek urgent medical care.

  • Your are seeking for a quick fix,Ā a magical bullet orĀ instant solutions, our programs prioritise long lasting results over short lived relief.

  • You are not open to sharing information and discussing symptomsĀ with a professional and just want access to a digital solution like an app,Ā our programs thrive on human to human collaboration.

  • You are not ready to achieve life-changingĀ results and put yourself first,Ā success in our programs requires dedication and commitment to dietary and lifestyle changes.

HowĀ do our gut care programs work?

OurĀ programs areĀ allĀ drug freeĀ andĀ non-invasive.Ā 
A typical program at Guthealth.care comes in 3 steps.

I am ready to put an end to my suffering and start getting professional help

WhatĀ are the benefits our gut care programs?


Digestive Freedom

Our programs offer relief from the daily discomfort of digestive issues, allowing you to savor meals without the worry of discomfort or embarrassment.


Personalized Guidance

Tailored programs mean no more guesswork. You'll receive expert guidance specifically designed to address your unique digestive needs.


Boosted Energy

Improved digestion means better nutrient absorption. You'll experience a newfound vitality and energy to tackle daily activities head-on.


Peace of Mind

Say goodbye to anxiety about digestive problems in social situations. With our programs, you'll regain confidence and peace of mind.


Enhanced Quality of Life

Imagine fewer sick days, less stress, and more time enjoying life. Our programs aim to enhance your overall well-being, not just address symptoms.



Guthealth.care equips you with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about your health, putting you in control of your digestive destiny.

Our programsĀ vs others?

Guthealth.care programs

  • Personalized Approach: Our programs stand out with their personalized plans tailored to each individual's unique gut health needs, ensuring a targeted and effective approach to healing.

  • Multidisciplinary Team: We have a diverse team of experts, including dietitians, psychologists, and fitness specialists, working together to provide comprehensive care, addressing both physical and mental aspects of gut health.

  • Ongoing Support: Beyond initial guidance, our programs offer ongoing support and follow-ups, ensuring that clients receive continuous assistance and adjustments to their plans as needed.


  • One-Size-Fits-All: Some programs take a generic approach, offering the same advice and recommendations to all clients, which may not effectively address individualized needs.

  • Lack of Specialization: Not all programs have a multidisciplinary team or specialized experts, potentially missing the opportunity to provide holistic care for the mind-gut connection.

  • Limited Follow-Up: In some cases, other programs may provide initial guidance but lack the long-term support and follow-ups crucial for sustained improvement in gut health.

You will be inĀ good hands

Meet Kristina

Head of Dietetics & Medical Affairs

AĀ licensed Dietitian with over 10 years of experience helping individuals battling digestive discomfortĀ regainĀ their well being.

She is a graduate from:

  • Nutrition and Dietetics Academy Leadership Institute (USA)
  • Monash University Trained Dietitian (Australia)
  • GI Institute: Trained in IBS Management and the Low FODMAP Diet (Australia)
  • and holds a Master degree inĀ Public health - Food safety and human nutrition from Lithunian University of Health Sciences.

She is also a Lecturer atĀ Vilnius University of applied sciences and the compassionate force behind our Dietetics & Medical Affairs team.

In recent years,Ā she has witnessed a global gut health crisis. Every day, she encounters more and more individuals whose well-being is deeply affected by digestive issues.Ā 

She has made it her mission to help those affected through Guthealth.care's holistic gut care programs.Ā 

I am ready to start my gut healthĀ journey

Say no to your digestive discomfort and take charge of your gut health and overall wellbeing with support from our specialised experts.

I want to get rid of the constant bloating, constipation or diarrhea.

Get IBS careā„¢

I am looking for help with my SIBO, can't cope alone anymore.

Get SIBO careā„¢

IĀ want to understand the impact of my food intake on my overall wellbeing and better it.

Get Digestive careā„¢

We areĀ trusted memberĀ of...

OurĀ footprintsĀ to date...

We are committed to transforming many more lives and expand our footprints globally, you are in good hands.


Hours of face to face




Dietary assessments
and meal plans

OurĀ happy gutsĀ have said...

Words from our patients onĀ reclaiming control of their wellbeing with Guthealth.care

Sarah J.

"I've been struggling with IBS for years, and I've tried everything...

The IBS care program at Guthealth.care has finally helped me find relief. I'm so grateful for the personalised care and support I've received."

Aimee R.

"I was so hesitant to try the IBS care program, but I'm so glad I did.

It's been life-changing. I'm finally able to live my life without worrying about my symptoms"

KathrinĀ S.

"I've been living with IBS for over 10 years, and I've never felt better than I do now.

The IBS care program at Guthealth.care has given me my life back."

DavidĀ T.

"I had been struggling with digestive problems for years, but I was too embarrassed to talk to anyone about it.

The Digestive Care Program at Guthealth.care has finally given me the relief I've been looking for. I'm so grateful for the support and guidance I've received."

AngelinaĀ S.

"I was skeptical at first, but the Digestive Care Program at Guthealth.care has really helped me.

I'm digesting food better than I have in years, and I'm feeling more energetic and healthy overall. I highly recommend it to anyone struggling with digestive problems."

AustejaĀ A.

"I've tried everything to improve my digestion, but nothing has worked as well as the Digestive Care Program at Guthealth.care.

I'm so happy to finally have found a solution that works for me. I'm finally able to enjoy my food again without having to worry about the consequences."

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FREE gut health assessment

We get it, navigating gut health can be confusing and painful, mainly while experiencing symptoms. Take our gut health assessment quiz for free and receive free insights from our experienced professionals within 72 hours.


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FREEĀ IBS relief
101 guide

IBSĀ flare ups can make you feel miserable, but you don't have to. Our experts have put together the ultimate companion for IBS symptoms relief in times of digestive distress. Get your FREE copy now and quickly beat the bloat.


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FromĀ our blog

Unlock the secrets to less digestive discomfort and better gut health with curated articles from our blog - Gut Feeling: your wellness compass.

IBS Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid for Relief

How to Recognize IBS Triggers and How to Avoid Them

IBS and Stress: How They Affect Each Other

Visit our blog

Disclaimer:Ā  The information provided byĀ Guthealth.care is not intended to be used by the client for any diagnostic purpose and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always seek the advice of your physician or other healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding diagnosis, cure, treatment, mitigation, or prevention of any disease or other medical condition or impairment or the status of your health.